SKU: EN-D20175
In 1967, Down Beat named Lloyd Jazz Artist of the Year and he was invited to tour the world. In addition to enthusiastic receptions at festivals such as Montreux and Antibes, the quartet brought jazz to the Soviet Union. “I saw music as a way to bring harmony and beauty to a very troubled world. I was naive, but sincere about my convictions. Jazz is an expression of freedom and wonder. The USSR and Eastern bloc countries were starved for some light and inspiration in their lives. We were very moved by their love of the music and their hospitality.”.
Serbian Food Festival: Noon-10 p.m, Oct, 6, Holy trinity Serbian Orthodox Church, 1700 School St., Moraga, Sarma, Kobasice, Cevapcici, Raznici, pork and lamb, beverages and other favorites, Live Serbian music, trumpet orchestra, kid bounce house and more, Free admission,, Fantastic Speakeasies and Where to Find Them: 6:30 p.m, Oct, 6, Alameda Elks Lodge, 2255 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda, 7 p.m, vintage dance lesson followed by Sara & Swingtime playing an evening of classic 1920s and 30s swing and vintage ballroom dance music, No young ballerina, blank greeting card, artwork print /birthday cards, young girl ballet painting, tutu shoes art prints by uk art partners needs, 1920s or 30s costume, vintage or modern evening dress or costumes inspired by “Harry Potter” films are admired, but not required, No host bar and light potluck snack buffet, $20-$25,
374 Staples Ave $490,000 5-8-2014 1148 SF 3 BR San Jose 95127. 3555 Story Rd $445,000 5-7-2014 1157 SF 3 BR San Jose 95127. _______________________________. SAN JOSE 95128. _______________________________. 2263 Aram Ave $782,000 5-9-2014 1178 SF 3 BR San Jose 95128. 1009 Empey Way $704,000 5-8-2014 1240 SF 3 BR San Jose 95128. 2388 Newhall St $735,000 5-9-2014 1760 SF 3 BR San Jose 95128. _______________________________. SAN JOSE 95129. _______________________________. 6291 Balsamo Dr $1,385,000 5-12-2014 1904 SF 3 BR San Jose 95129.
Surprise, Digital technology has established a foothold in classical music and now is transforming performance practices and modes of presentation, Just have a look at the weekend activities of the Borromeo, a renowned group based in Boston since the late ’80s, There’s Friday’s program in Los Gatos and Sunday’s in Burlingame, young ballerina, blank greeting card, artwork print /birthday cards, young girl ballet painting, tutu shoes art prints by uk art each featuring the interactive presentation of Beethoven’s String Quartet No, 9, Op, 59, No, 3, Otherwise known as the third “Razumovsky” quartet, it’s a masterpiece from the composer’s middle period, Playing straight off a replica of the autograph (handwritten and signed) score is “like feeding off Beethoven, directly, going back 200 years,” says Kitchen, the group’s digital guru and gadget guy..
Bring it Karaoke with Anthony. 8 p.m. Mondays. Club Fox, 2209 Broadway, Redwood City. No cover. Music at Kohl Mansion. 7 p.m. Sundays. Free pre-concert talks with musicologist educator Kai Christiansen post-concert receptions with performers. Dec. 16: Aulos Ensemble. Jan. 20: Trio Solisti. Feb. 10: Alexander String Quartet with violist Toby Appel. April 14: Amelia Piano Trio. May 5: Pianist Anne-Marie McDermott with the Alexander String Quartet. March 17 gala: Manasse-Nakamatsu Duo (Jon Manasse, clarinet; Jon Nakamatsu, piano). Great Hall at Kohl Mansion, 2750 Adeline Drive, Burlingame. $15-$45, individual; $80-$270 series; March 17 gala, $60. 650-762-1130; fax: 650-343-8464;; or email:
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