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SKU: EN-D20034

pantofola d'oro ballet flats

McNutt, who is a past president of the Chamber, offers high praise for the organization. “It gives businesses a voice to be a group advocate,” she said. “A Chamber of Commerce is a brand. People know they’re going to find an answer to everything; it’s a key element of a community. It’s good in every way.”. Pet People owners Cindy and Gary Harwin, meantime, are glowing in the spotlight that’s been cast upon them three times this year. “We bought the store seven years ago in our retirement, so we’re not into making big profits as much as taking care of animals and keeping our employees happy,” Cindy said.

* Dr, Susan P, Ehrlich, physician and CEO at San Mateo Medical Center, pantofola d'oro ballet flats health tips, * Ruth Gay, director of public policy and advocacy, Alzheimer’s Association, Northern California and Northern Nevada, healthy brain exercises, Speier, Assemblyman Kevin Mullin, and San Mateo County Supervisor Carole Groom also provided a legislative update, During lunch, the San Francisco Banjo Band, founded 40 years ago, provided delightful musical entertainment, Door prizes highlighted the event, and each senior was also gifted with a pedometer and a bag of fresh produce at the close of the successful conference..

Angela Dausman; Ann Davidson in honor of Karen dé Sá; James Davidson; Herbert & Donne Davis in memory of Marilyn Langer; Shirley De Martis in honor of Phil De Martis; Russell & Deborah Dean in honor of George & Onnolee Larson; Peter & Elise di Donato; Don & Cathy Draper; Norman & Michelle Dulleck in honor of Troy Dulleck. The Eberly Family; Norman Ebersole; Kelly Emo in honor of Diane Nichols; Bruce & Karen Eshleman. Colette Farabaugh; Janet Farabaugh; Grandpa Ron & Grandma Linda Farr in honor of Christian & Athena; Janet Fee; G. & L. Feeney; John Fensterwald; Bryan & Jan Ferguson; Robert Fernandez in honor of Michael & Thomas Fernandez; Robert Fernandez in honor of Sibyl & Dan Evans; Guy Ferrante; Bruce Fisher; Martin & Barbara Fishman; Jeff Forster in honor of Frieda & Julian Forster; Clyde & Margie Fraiser; Mike Frankel; Mary Ellen Fredrickson in honor of Earl Fredrickson.

Kenn Adams’ Adventure Theater brings “Adventure in Space” to Clayton on Oct, 26 at 3 p.m, The story follows a hero who travels to a distant planet to help its inhabitants overthrow the wicked usurper and pantofola d'oro ballet flats restore the rightful monarch to the throne, The audience helps create the show, making all of the sound effects, becoming the scenery, inventing the story twists and even becoming some of the characters, The show takes place at St, John’s Episcopal Church, 5555 Clayton Road, For tickets, call 925-672-8717 or go to

The Pacific Art League of Palo Alto. “Photography: Writing with Light,” a juried exhibition of works by California photographers, in the Main Gallery. “Third Wish,” a multimedia installation by San Jose artist Zoya Scholis, in the Glass Gallery. In the Craft Gallery, Louis Basel is exhibiting blown glass. Through May 21. Pacific Art League of Palo Alto, 227 Forest Ave., Palo Alto. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mondays-Fridays. Free admission. Peninsula Museum of Art. “29 Hands — 15 Artists.” Mark Kitaoka’s photographic studies of the hands of fine and performing artists. May 18 through July 30. Peninsula Museum of Art, 1777 California Drive, Burlingame. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesdays through Sundays. Artist reception, 1-4 p.m. May 18. Free admission. 650-692-2101 or

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